Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) involves multiple advances of a fine solid-filament needle into the muscle in the region of a “Trigger Point’. The aim of this Intramuscular Manual Therapy is to achieve a local twitch response to release muscle tension and pain. This creates a reset in the muscles targeted and improves a person’s overall function ability. Many people can experience a lasting improvement in function within three needling sessions while others may need between 6 to 8 treatments. Dry needling works best when combined with manual therapy and therapeutic exercises.
Trigger Point Dry Needling
What is
functional Dry
Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) is an effective treatment for chronic pain of neuropathic origin with very few side effects. This technique is unequaled in finding and eliminating neuromuscular dysfunction that leads to pain and functional deficits. The needle used is very thin and most subjects do not even feel it penetrate the skin. A healthy muscle feels very little discomfort with insertion of this needle.
However if the muscle is sensitive and shortened or has active trigger points within it, the subject will feel a sensation like a muscle cramp -‘the twitch response’. The patient also may feel a reproduction of “their” pain which is a helpful diagnostic indicator for the practitioner attempting to diagnose the cause of the patient’s symptoms. Patients soon learn to recognize and even welcome this sensation as it results in deactivating the trigger point, reducing pain and restoring normal length function to the involved muscle.